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  译作者:半解一知半解   时间:2012年11月23~25日
  欧盟时报   2010年4月17日
  Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
  EU Times on Apr 17th, 2010
  A most chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Academy of Medical Science for Prime Minister Putin states that a “mysterious die-off” in the United States has claimed over 2,000,000 lives since 2008 and is “more than likely” linked to a “crossover” plant disease linked to genetically modified grains and foods.
  According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified, lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at the Governors mansion were stricken.
  关于艾奥华州重要的一点是,它是世界上最大的玉米产区之一,在近3200万英亩农田上收获20亿蒲式耳这种经济作物,其中99%是美国农业巨头孟山都研发的转基因品种:商标名称分别为Mon 863、产生杀虫剂的Mon 810和吸收农达除草剂的NK 603。
  Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and identified by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup? herbicide-absorbing NK 603.
  Not reported to the American people about these genetically modified corn varieties made by Monsanto was the study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences warning that they were linked to organ damage. Monsanto quickly responded to this study, stating that the research was “based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for these products.”
  然而,俄罗斯科学家在报告中说,孟山都声称转基因玉米Mon 863可供动物和人类安全食用“纯属无稽之谈”,此结论得到法国分子生物工程委员会(CGB)的佐证,他们在报告中说:“根据目前的数据,不能得出转基因玉米Mon 863安全的结论。”
  Russian scientists in these reports, however, call Monsanto’s claim of their genetically modified Mon 863 corn as being safe for human or animal consumption “totally without validation”, a finding supported by the French biomolecular engineering commission, the Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB) who stated in their report, “with the present data it cannot be concluded that GM corn MON 863 is a safe product.”
  国际绿色和平组织进一步佐证了俄罗斯科学家的结论,他们在名为《MON 863:系统性欺骗年鉴》的报告里警告说,经过对这种转基因作物中最危险品种的数据的大量搜集和评估,毫无疑问,MON 863不适合食用。
  Further supporting the findings of Russian scientists was Greenpeace International, who in their report titled “MON 863: A chronicle of systematic deception” warned that the campaign to unearth and evaluate data about this most dangerous of genetically modified grains demonstrates, beyond all doubt, that MON863 is unfit for consumption.
  Most unfortunately for the American people though, all of these warnings have been ignored by their government masters who have allowed the mass planting of these genetically modified crops to such an extent that in the United States today fully 80% of their corn and 93% of their soybeans are of these dangerous varieties and leading one Russian scientist in these reports to warn that our World is now on the verge of experiencing an ecological disaster of “Biblical proportions”.
  And according to these reports this ecological disaster is well underway in the United States and supported by American death statistics showing that of the nearly 2.5 million deaths reported by them each year the number of “sudden deaths” has increased to 40% equaling out to over 2 million “mysterious and unexplained” deaths from early 2008 to March, 2010.
  Now of these “mysterious and unexplained” American deaths, these reports continue, nearly all of them are lung related and being erroneously documented as being caused by influenza and pneumonia type diseases so as not to panic these peoples, but have, instead, been caused by as an yet unidentified plant virus that has successfully jumped the species barrier to human beings.
  法国马赛地中海大学的Didier Raoult 进行的研究佐证了俄罗斯科学家的结论,在人类历史上他们首次发现一种植物病毒让一些人生病。
  Supporting Russian scientists in these conclusions is new research being conducted by Didier Raoult of the University of the Mediterranean in Marseilles, France, where for the first time in human history a plant virus has been found to cause problems in people.
  在报告中俄罗斯科学家进一步声称,美国去年给全国人口大规模接种所谓的H1N1猪流感疫情是一个“非常拙劣的表演”,它们给人们注射的是一种转基因玉米DNA“修复剂” 以期阻止这种神秘的肺部疾病,他们说,从能得到的所有证据来看,修复失败了。
  Russian scientists further claim in these reports that the United States mass vaccination of their population this past year for the supposed H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic was instead a “very clumsy attempt” to stop the spreading of this mysterious lung disease by injecting into these peoples a DNA “fix” to this genetically modified corn, and which by all the evidence available, they state, appears to have failed.
  For those wondering how the United States government could ever allow such a monstrous outrage to be committed on their citizens one only need know that over the past 10 years Monsanto has paid over $500 million in bribing those American officials responsible for food safety while at the same time has joined US corporate giants General Electric and Exxon Mobil in not paying any taxes despite the billions in profits they have reaped.
  And for those Americans believing that President Obama will protect them from these outrages they couldn’t be more mistaken, and as we can read as reported by the Huffington Post News Service in their article titled “You’re Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It’s Not So!” and which, in part, says:
  “The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.
  因与主题关系不紧密,以下“幕后的秘密”(Here’s the back story)部分省略。
  People pick up pepper virus
  New Scientist   14 April 2010
  Could a plant virus have found a way to infect humans?
  It has always been assumed that plant viruses cannot infect animals, and vice versa, but plant viruses are known to be abundant in human faeces.
  现在,法国马赛地中海大学的Didier Raoult及其研究小组认为辣椒病毒也能让人生病。
  Now Didier Raoult at the University of the Mediterranean in Marseille, France, and his team think a pepper virus is making people sick, too.
  They have found RNA from the pepper mild mottle virus in the faeces of 7 per cent of the 304 adults they tested. Those with the virus were more likely to report fever, abdominal pain and itching than those without it, his team found.
  不过并非所有的人都相信此说法。美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良市土伦大学的病毒学家Robert Garry说,因为Raoult观察的是许多可能的症状,我想他在病毒阳性的人身上随便都可以找到几种更常见的症状。
  Not everyone is convinced, however. Because Raoult looked at many possible symptoms, he would be expected to find a few that randomly appear more common in virus-positive people, says Robert Garry, a virologist at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  Moreover, in order to enter a cell and replicate, a virus must bind to a receptor on its surface, and a plant virus would be highly unlikely to recognise a receptor on a human cell, says Garry.
  One possibility, Raoult says, is that the virus does not infect human cells directly. Instead, the naked viral RNA may alter the function of the cells through a mechanism similar to RNA interference, in which the presence of certain RNA sequences can turn genes on and off.
  Raoult's team is now working to gather more direct evidence that the virus does infect humans.
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查看完整版本: 俄罗斯科学家:转基因玉米滋生植物病毒致2百万美国人死亡!